My Journey so far….

I have been aware of witchcraft most of my life and while being friends with many solo practicing witches I had never entertained the thought of seeking a coven myself and beginning my formal training.

After approaching a coven and begun down that path, I have been continually inspired by ways to blend the 2 aspects of these crafts together melding witchcraft and blacksmithing. Blacksmithing is the act of combining the 4 base elements together with the will of the smith in order to bring about creation. The fire of the forge, the wind of the bellows, the raw earth of the fuel and the iron itself, and finally the water of the quench. These aspects are monitored and directed by the smith to guide the iron into a new form.

I am very excited to continue developing and honing these skills and increasing the depth of knowledge i can attain in both practices.

Blessed Be


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